27 February 2013


While I was at the grocery store yesterday I gave a Dominicks gift card to the lady behind me in the checkout line.  I was hoping for a really random act, but it turned out to be someone who goes to my church. 

22 February 2013


Last night we had about 4 inches of snow.  That's not a lot by normal Chicago standards, but the last couple of years we've had a lot less snow than usual.  In any case, my good deed for today was to blow out a path for Daughter and her friend so that they could walk down to the bus stop on the sidewalk, rather than walk in the street and risk getting hit by a plow.  The driveway in the picture that looks like it doesn't have a nice path is where I had to detour around parked cars.  I ended up blowing snow out of part of their lawn because the car was parked so close to the sidewalk, but sometimes these things can't be helped.

16 February 2013

6? No, I Guess Not

Daughter and I had to buy some new shoes today, as her current pair is attempting to amputate her feet.  When we got to the shoe store, I saw the car above.  I could easily claim that my Random Act for today was to Not write "Nice Parking" in the salt and dirt on the driver side door.  Or that it was blurring out the license plate so that the owner won't be embarrassed to see his or her car parked so flagrantly in the middle of two parking spaces.  But the whole point of this exercise is to be a better person, I'm not going to count the fact that I didn't give in to an evil urge as an actual act of kindness.

But it was REALLY tempting!

01 February 2013


Yesterday's random act was to buy lunch for the lady in the car behind me at McDonalds.  She didn't order much, but whatever it was she didn't have to pay for it.