11 October 2007

So Now What?

Boy, now that the vacation is over and my parents are gone (they got here 2 days after we got home) my days seem to be full of... not much. No deadlines, no upcoming trips, no visitors coming in, no cleaning like a mad person. Well, OK so I never really get around to cleaning like a mad person, but I always feel like I should be cleaning like a mad person. I have spent a couple of days playing around on Ravelry. (PetoskyTurtle is the name to look for there) and I've caught up on all my recent CSI episodes, so now what do I do?

It looks like I cast on some mindless knitting. In looking over my last few projects I noticed a common denominator. They were all for me. I have to tell you that I'm not usually such a narcissist, but I couldn't help myself. The yarn was so yummy, the pattern was so cool, the concept was so different that I couldn't resist the temptation. But now my sanity has returned and I am knitting for someone else. Originally this was going to be for the donate pile, but I realized that it would be perfect for Nephew. His dad is an avid outdoors guy, so the camoflagishness (look Mom, I invented a new word!) will work well. I finished it an hour ago and was then faced with a challenge: What do I do next?

I could cast on the beautiful Maple Leaf shawl I picked up at stitches, or I could cast on the shawl I ordered from Fiddlesticks (thanks YarnHarlot for the enabling on that one), or I could start the second Bart sock. But again, me, me, me. Can't do it. Must knit for others. Must use my God given gift for the betterment of society.

So in the presence of God and everyone who reads this blog (which at this point is my family, MadMad, and the Fibreholic) I solemnly swear that I will knit nothing intended for myself for the rest of the month, or until 5 more projects have been completed, whichever comes second. I'll leave you to mull over the "intended for" part of that pledge, because I sense that it could become a loophole if I tried hard enough.


MadMad said...

OK. A) I've decided really to only knit for myself. No body else appreciates it quite as much. (Even the stuff that actually fits, little of it that there is.) So don't feel bad. And B) pretty sure God might lightening you for putting me in the same sentence as Him/Her. Just sayin'.

Five Ferns Fibreholic said...

Way to go with the loophole... you'll have something finished for yourself in no time at all. I vote for fiddlesticks heh heh...that'll keep you busy for awhile. But then Bart one really needs a friend. Or maybe I should suggest something really cool that isn't even on you to do list. I really shouldn't be up this early in the am....it does things to the gray cells.

BTW if you ever do decide to clean like mad, when you are done, you can come to my house. I'd love to see what that actually looks like.

Tara said...

Thanks for leaving the very first TempestuousKnits comment!! hurray! However, enabling another LYS trip...bad. Ok, not that bad.

I agree with madmad...no one does appreciate it as much as I do myself. I still try, though. I do find that I have a harder time completing gifts than my own things because I'm more excited to wear than to give. :-)